Mitch McConnell – $35 Million

Although Mitch McConnell might not hold the official title of the wealthiest senator in the United States, his substantial fortune of $35 million positions him prominently on that roster. Nonetheless, as stated in a 2020 Washington Post article, assertions have been made that a significant portion of McConnell’s wealth stems from his wife’s inheritance. Elaine Chao, his wife, acquired approximately $9 million subsequent to her mother’s passing.

While possessing an affluent mother-in-law is not a wrongdoing, the senator has encountered his fair share of controversies and disagreements throughout his career. Notably, in 2016, he sparked a contentious situation by declining to bring Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, to a Senate vote. It’s unsurprising that he has secured a place on Time’s compilation of the 100 most influential individuals not once, but twice.
