Bruce Willis And Kevin Smith

Back in 2010, Kevin Smith directed the action comedy film Cop Out, which starred Bruce Willis. Best known for his iconic Die Hard films, Willis was expected to do well in the new movie. Sadly, it was reportedly the opposite for him. This circumstance would create a “soul-crushing” experience for Smith, who poured all his heart into making Cop Out. Whatever Willis’s reason was for performing less than expected of him, at least he did not back out from making the movie. Maybe their personalities don’t just mesh that their feud escalated to this degree.

Luckily, the two got to make amends several years later. In 2019, Willis was able to call the director, and the two reportedly ended their conversation in a lovely manner. Smith even stated, “Reach out to an old friend. You never know what bridges you can mend,” meaning both the actor and the director have indeed made peace with one another.
