Diana Ross | Kiwi Slices


Legendary singer Diana Ross goes on vacation from time to time when she isn’t on stage or on a screen singing her heart out. On one account, she was spotted lounging on the coast of Italy sunbathing with her sunglasses on. Though the scene might be just the singer lying by the shore relaxing, she was actually doing a beauty ritual. She has been in showbusiness for almost 50 years. So it is hardly surprising that Diana Ross has picked up a few tips on looking good along the way.

Underneath her designer shades were kiwi slices on top of her eyes. Apparently, the singer was working double time. She was making sure her eyes got some TLC while the rest of her skin was getting some Vitamin D. Credits to kiwi, which can reduce puffiness or dark circles around the eyes. Ross might have been feeling and looking tired at the time and wanted to restore that well-rested look.
