Lisa Bonet | Organic Coconut Oil


Lisa Bonnet was full of hair and beauty tips in her interview with the New York Times. She considered coconut oil as her holy grail beauty product. She doesn’t just eat coconut oil, however. She also uses it on her skin and hair to keep her looking young. Bonet says she uses coconut oil as a moisturizing body lotion. The actress uses it for her hair – which is always in dreadlocks – and her body.

She claimed to have started using the oil even before the media hyped it up. She loved the simplicity of it amidst its apparent functionality. She believed it is better to use one ingredient that does the job on your body rather than swipes your credit card for a commercial product made of plenty. On top of this, the smell of coconut attracts her more to it as well. She also makes it a point not to over-tweeze her eyebrows. Fearing they might not grow back, she keeps her eyebrows naturally full.
