Lenny Kravitz

You would not believe that the Hunger Games actor Lenny Kravitz is already 56 years old. Aside from being an actor, he is also a singer-songwriter and musician. Part of his investments in his career is to stay fit, and his exercise involves jumping rope, running, doing pull-ups, sit-ups, squats, and push-ups. However, he finds the gym boring and said he prefers working out outdoors. When asked about his diet, he revealed that his secret is juicing. He drinks juice straight from the organic crops produced by farmers.

The iconic rocker looks remarkably similar now to just about any photo you can find from his 30 year career—partly due to his dedication to physical training that helps him stay lean and energetic when he performs onstage. “My best shape is not behind me,” Kravitz said in a cover interview for the latest issue of Men’s Health. “It’s in front of me right now. We keep moving that bar as we get older.”
