Tom Cruise

The award-winning actor Tom Cruise has a striking built. Even at the age of 58-years-old, he maintains his fit body. But how does the A-list actor retain his good looks? Tons of exercise! Aside from his gym sessions, he stays active by sea-kayaking, fencing, running the treadmill, weightlifting, rock-climbing, hiking, jogging, and the list goes on. It’s as if the Mission Impossible actor can almost do anything! Cruise also switches his workout routine, where he’s able to get the flexibility that he wants. Doing many physical activities as part of his lifestyle, it’s no wonder Cruise has defied the very process of aging.

While not following a particularly structured diet, he has been noted as eating very clean. His diet includes chicken, fish, vegetables, oatmeal, and other similar basic “health” foods while avoiding most junk food. In addition, Tom Cruise also engages in a lot of “fun” type physical activities like jogging, hiking, playing tennis and other things to keep his body moving.
