Elizabeth Hurley

Elizabeth Hurley, despite her age of 55, still stays fit and healthy. She is an actress, model, and businesswoman who became famous when she dated Hugh Grant. Elizabeth became successful in her modeling career and increased her credit score while being cast in movies and television shows.

Talk about a healthy lifestyle, the English model knew that whole and natural food are healthy things to keep in her diet. She even had the motivation of helping local farmers by purchasing their natural crop products. “I like simple, natural, easy food. I don’t really like food with a lot of chemicals or additives,” Elizabeth told The Cut. ” When I’m at home in the country, I always try and eat food that’s grown locally. That goes for meats and vegetables.”Although she is not a fan of high-impact sports, she still does her best to exercise by walking, gardening, and moving as much as possible in her daily routine.
