Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan was a Chinese Emperor. He was officially known as Genghis Emperor, the founder and first Great Khan and Emperor of the Mongol Empire. After he died in 1227, he received the credits for creating the most significant “contiguous” empire in history.
In his image, some said he looked like the current President of China Xi Jinping, might be because of their similar eyes, cheeks, and color. If Genghis were still alive today, he would look every inch of a leader. Although the picture seemed not entirely similar to the given image, the artists still did an excellent job there.

Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette was the last queen that served the country of France before the French Revolution in 1789. She was born as the archduchess of Austria and the second to the youngest daughter of Empress Maria Theresa and Emperor Francis I. From her looks; she was every inch of a queen – sophisticated, classy, and beautiful.
In her modern image, to some degree, she has a beauty similar to the celebrities of today. She also looks like a millennial with her curly and bouncy blonde hair. If she is only alive today, she can probably join Hollywood and be an A-lister in an instant.

Simón Bolivar

Simón Bolivar actually has a relatively long name — Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte-Andrade y Blanco. If it is quite tiring for you to say, he is colloquially known as El Libertador or the Liberator due to his move to lead the countries of Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Panama to independence from the Spanish Empire.
Making Simón’s image quite modern, he has the looks of an average guy. Anyhow, the image is so close you can even say that it is the real him. Credits to modern technology, we can see that the face of this military and political leader.

King Richard III

King Richard III was the King of England and Lord of Ireland. Hence, he was also called Richard III of England. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. Although the artists gave him an innocent look, a naïve one, we must say, you should never be deceived by it.
He was the rugged and harsh ruler during his prime. His modern image screamed British with his pointy nose, white complexion, and chestnut brown hair. He either looks like someone ready to make an investment here or a politician.

Prince Albert

Prince Albert was a Prince Consort as the husband of Queen Victoria. He was born in a family that had a lot of connections to Europe’s ruling monarchs. At the time Albert married Victoria, he was only 20 years old. They were blessed with nine kids.
His modern looks appear to be classy because of his mustache and clean-cut hair. He looks every inch of a handsome guy, who can be in line with the likes of David Tennant. If he is alive today and ever plans to join the entertainment world, he will probably be one of the most sought-after actors with the degree of his good looks.

King Louis XV

King Louis XV was the King of France. He was also known as Louis the Beloved, who succeeded his great-grandfather, Louis XIV, at the tender age of five. As he could not rule the kingdom at that age yet, it was led by Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, as the Regent of France until he reached the ripe age of 13.
In his present-time image, Louis looked calm, innocent, and composed. But just like other rulers, you should never let his looks deceive you. He had a relatively low score from the historian during his reign. There were a lot of wars at the time and even a “total depletion of the treasury.” To a certain degree, these things led the beginning of the French Revolution.

Eleanor Of Toledo

Eleanor of Toledo, or Doña Leonor Álvarez de Toledo y Osorio, was known for being a noblewoman. She was the Duchess of Florence, the first wife and political adviser of Cosimo I de’ Medici, the Grand Duke of Tuscany in Italy. They had 11 kids.
In her painting, Eleanor looked like a conservative woman who only intended to help everyone because of her hairstyle. But in her modern image, she looked like a modern woman with her bouncy-perfect hair like that of Kate Middleton. She still looked like a royal, though, because of her royal aura. This only proved that your hair could drastically change your looks to a certain degree.

Anne Boleyn

Another queen of England on the list is Anne Boleyn. She was the second wife of King Henry VIII. What happened to Anne during her husband’s reign was etched in history. It even made her a key figure in the political and religious upheaval that marked the beginning of the English Reformation.
In her painting, she looked like someone who could do anything she wanted – well, literally and figuratively. However, she had a sad story behind that beautiful face. In her modern image, she looked every inch like a Hollywood star who could have movie credits, doing film after film.

Mary, Queen of Scot

Mary, Queen of Scot, reigned over Scotland for 25 years, so the name. She was the only surviving child of King James V of Scotland. If King Louis XV ascended the throne at the age of five, she ascended the throne at the age of six days old after her father died. Her reign was no easy task for Mary. Aside from being young, it involved unfortunate things to some degree.
In her painting, you can see that she has the classic European queen look – curly hair secured in a bun. In her modern look, she looked like a contemporary queen with her bouncy mane freely flowing and bouncing.

Anne of Cleves

Anne of Cleves was the fourth wife of King Henry VIII, making her the Queen Consort of England. Not too many details were known about Anne before she got betrothed to the Duke of Bar Francis, although their marriage never pushed through. She was an often subject of many biographies that gave her credit for being a historical figure in the literature concerning her husband’s reign.
Talking about her looks, she already looked attractive in the painting but more beautiful in her modern image. It seems like the artists behind these images are fond of curly, bouncy hairstyles that perfectly suit all the beautiful women on this list.

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