Mega-sized Tubs Of Hummus Won’t Stay Fresh For Long

We’ve already established the fact that the bulk packages available at Costco don’t make for great investments unless you live in a particularly large household or hosting a party. This is especially true when it comes to perishables such as hummus. Whilst these do contain preservatives, allowing it to stay fresh for a bit longer, it can still only last you a week or two.

Of course, all that added preservatives make it less healthy than the usual homemade stuff—which is what you should be having anyway. If that isn’t possible, normal-sized tubs from the grocery are your best bet.

Cereal Can Be Bought Elsewhere And For Much Cheaper, Too

Much like buying canned goods from Costco, you don’t get much variety when you buy cereal in bulk as well. The big boxes come with two bags inside, but for the same price or cheaper, you can get two different boxes of the same size at a grocery store. Keep in mind that you can get further discounts through coupons as well, making sure that you’re getting a much better deal.

If you want to avoid going into the red when it comes to your credit, shop for essentials wisely. Remember, Costco has great deals but there might be better ones at the grocery.

Get Your Rice From Local Markets And Grocers

While rice won’t go bad for quite a while, it doesn’t mean that buying it in bulk is the wisest investment to make. As such, you might want to skip the trip to Costco and opt to purchase your grains from local Asian markets. Not only do these places offer more variety, but they also tend to be more affordable, too.

Costco actually prices up grains for up to 35% compared to smaller local businesses—that’s quite a significant amount of money, even if you’re purchasing rice from the superstore out of convenience. Besides, you’ll be helping out the local economy by doing this, too!

Office Supplies Are Also Cheaper In Other Smaller Stores

Whilst it might be easier for you to shop for your office and school needs while you’re on your grocery run, do consider the fact that Costco doesn’t always offer the best deals when it comes to these items. Unlike office supply stores where back-to-school deals or coupons are usually available, Costco maintains pretty consistent pricing on these essentials.

Target is another great place to get to school and work supplies. You’d be able to complete your kid’s requirement list without going into bankruptcy in the process. You can try small stores as well! These may not be “brand name” items, but they’ll work just fine.

Purchase Books At Specialty Stores

Fact is: places like Costco only sells best-seller titles, which means the selection is very limited. Unless you’re looking for a quick gift or something to bring with you while traveling, then you’re definitely better off getting books at specialty stores. This includes local retailers, as well as secondhand bookstores!

The primary reason is that you’ll get more variety and you’ll be able to discover new titles in the process. Of course, if you’re really on a budget, you can always go to the public library. With a library card, you get access to an entire building of books—no credit card needed.

Beverages Like Soda And Juices

Though it might seem like it, buying beverages such as Pepsi and Coke from Costco isn’t the best investment to make. According to Moms Need to Know, this is especially true during the summer months when many grocery stores put their soda products on sale. That’s not all, however. Some stores even let customers tack on coupons and membership deals on top of the sale price, effectively lowering the price even more.

A two-liter bottle for $1.50? That’s definitely a good deal, considering all the outdoor activities you’ll be needing these ice-cold beverages for. So check your local groceries before heading off to Costco!

Unfamiliar Or Foreign Brands

Seeing unfamiliar products can be exciting, but before you grab these items in bulk make sure you think twice. Whilst there’s nothing wrong with trying out new things, if you’re unsure of the quality or taste then you might end up wasting your money instead. Just picture this: what if the product isn’t as good as you expected or the food isn’t quite to your preference? You’ll likely throw these in the bin or store them away—never to be used again.

For first time purchases, opt for smaller sizes first. This should allow you to test whether they’d be a good investment or not.

There Might Be Better Diaper Deals Online

Given the number of diapers that babies can go through, it is certainly tempting to purchase these essentials in bulk instead. However, you might not be getting the best deal by doing so. Keep in mind that various online stores often have promos on diapers—even websites such as Amazon offer moms a subscribe-and-save deal that’ll help make sure you pocket extra savings with every purchase.

There are even apps that’ll do the tedious process of searching for coupons online on your behalf. Do take advantage of these, to make sure you don’t end up in debt because of diapers.

You Get What You Pay For When It Comes To Clothes

Think you’re getting a great deal on that $15-cardigan? Whilst it might wear great the first few times, it won’t last as long as a properly made one. It’s no secret that Costco’s Kirkland brand socks, undergarments, shirts, and other clothing items are made with inexpensive material. If you add the numbers up, you end up wasting money on purchasing cheap garments again and again.

Instead, choose the wiser investment. Whilst higher quality items do cost more upfront, you’ll end up saving money in the long run because it’ll be awhile before you need to buy the same item again.

Get Your DVD’s Online

If you’re still purchasing DVDs out of nostalgia, for your collection, or because some movies are only available in this format, opt-out of getting them at Costco. The prices at the superstore for these items aren’t bad, but you’ll save more if you check out the $5 bin at Walmart stores or if you peruse through Amazon’s extensive collection.

It might only be a few dollars, but that’s savings you shouldn’t overlook. Besides, these DVDs aren’t exactly long-term investments so getting them for cheap is the smart thing to do. You might even luck out and spot a great deal on Amazon!

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