Marilyn Monroe And Arthur Miller

The coupling was obviously out of the ordinary, at least on the surface. Marilyn Monroe had the option of choosing any man she wanted, but she decided on playwright Arthur Miller. Even though their marriage only lasted a few years, there was something that first attracted this unlikely couple together.

Monroe initially met Miller on the set of As Young as You Felt in 1950. However, she didn’t see him again until 1955, when she went from Hollywood to New York City to pursue a degree in acting. The two began dating secretly and married in a civil ceremony at the Westchester County Court in 1956. The iconic actress converted to Judaism two days later at Miller’s agent’s home in a typical Jewish tradition. The public had a field day with their union because of the disparities in their occupations, lifestyles, and age. Monroe was ten years his junior but seemed ready to join Miller’s family and become a stepmother to his two children.
