Nancy Mckeon


Nancy McKeon can be recognized by the younger generation as one of the contestants for Dancing with the Stars. But many 80’s kids will remember her as an award-winning actress during her time. She began her entertainment career by modeling baby clothing for the Sears & Roebuck catalog when she was two. Along with her brother, Philip McKeon, she performed in many commercials. In 1976, her brother was chosen to play a major role on the television show, Alice. It was then that the family moved from New York to Los Angeles. Nancy was critically-acclaimed for her role in The Facts of Life, a long-running sitcom in the ’80s where she played Jo Polniaczek. Many will remember her witty entrance in the show with a motorcycle on her first day at Eastland Academy.


As a rising star in the ’80s, Nancy received the Best Young Actress in a Comedy Series Award. Now 54 years old, Nancy’s young-looking aura should be given credit for her role as a doting mother to her two children.
