Robert Duvall

Robert Selden Duvall is an American filmmaker and actor born on January 5, 1931. Throughout his career, the actor has won four out of seven Golden Globes, got nominated for seven Academy Awards (won the Academy Awards in Tender Mercies), and won an Emmy Award, Screen Actors Guild Award, and the BAFTA.

He started appearing in theatres in the late 1950s and moved into film and television roles in the early 1960s, where he played Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird in 1962 and an appearance in Captain Newman, M.D. in 1963. He mostly gained fame for landing famous roles in the 70s, such as MASH in 1970, where he played Major Frank Burns, and he also starred in THX 1138 in 1971. In the coming years, Robert Duvall has two upcoming movies entitled Hustle and the 12 Mighty Orphans. Apart from his impressive acting career, Robert Duvall also impresses with his handsome credit score.
