Those Sensational Celebrities And Where They Are Now

Elisabeth Shue

This versatile actress defined the ’80s with her starring role in the 1984 Karate Kid film. Not to mention, she was in line for an Oscar for her 1995 movie, Leaving Las Vegas. Elisabeth Shue takes credit for pop culture classics in the 2000s, with Hollow Man,  Death Wish, and the hit series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Now, the 57-year-old actress is a mother of three wonderful children and continues to further her craft. She reprised her role as the sweet girl-next-door Ali Mills on the Cobra Kai series and has been reported to have countless projects on the small screen, such as From Now, Constance, and On the Verge. With all her decades of success, the actress continues to be humble and even shared sentiments on how she would have handled her early start in the industry.  On the podcast ID10T with Chris Hardwick, she offers a bit of advice to her younger self realizing she pushed herself too hard, but now that she has kids of her own, it’s unlikely that the same thing repeats itself.
